Thanks to the Computer Conservation Society and Tiny Tapeout!
July 17, 2024
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Computer Conservation Society (CCS) and Tiny Tapeout for supporting the festival!
We’ve had a number of fantastic computing history talks at Festival Day and many of these have been from members of the CCS, and its great to have them support the festival this year. And of course for 2024 we have an opening keynote from computing historian, Professor Simon Lavington, along with talks and a retro computing simulation workshop at Open Source Hardware Camp.
Matt Venn spoke at Festival Day last year about open source silicon and how the barriers to entry for custom ASIC design are dropping. This year, Matt's company Tiny Tapeout is a sponsor. Tiny Tapeout is an educational project that makes it easier and cheaper than ever to get your designs manufactured on a real chip. Lookout for the Tiny Tapeout demo at Festival Day!
There are still a number of sponsorship opportunities and without the support of sponsors the festival simply would not be possible. To find out more about how you can help, drop us a line.
Further details will be added to the website in due course and as ever, to get updates direct to your inbox sign up to the mailing list.
See you in August!
Andrew & Tim