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Wuthering Bytes News

Re-Building the Digital Commons and Useful & Safe Quantum Computing

June 29, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the seventh and eighth talks have been confirmed for Festival Day!

Rachel Coldicutt is an expert on the social impact of new and emerging technologies, and executive director of research consultancy Careful Industries and its sister social enterprise Promising Trouble. Rachel previously presented at Wuthering Bytes back in 2016 on the topic of Prototyping for Public Good. We’re delighted to have her back this year with a talk in which she'll share some of the work that she's doing at Promising Trouble to strengthen and rebuild the digital commons. From instigating a pilot in south London that will hopefully lay a new blueprint for community-owned connectivity for everyone, everywhere to building a network of community tech organisations.

Chris Burton is an IBM Quantum ambassador and certified Qiskit Developer, who will be joined by colleague Théo Reignier, who is a Cloud Engineer at IBM. Chris & Théo will present on Quantum Computing and its trajectory in the coming years. The presentation will look at opportunities coming from quantum and its application to tough challenges faced by the tech industry. This will include a look at IBM’s Quantum roadmap and how IBM is building a quantum industry. The presentation will also outline the security threats introduced by this new technology, motivating the urgency for quantum safe encryption.

Details of the final two Festival Day talks should be confirmed within the next few weeks and at which point registration will be opened up and tickets will go on sale.

There is still chance to host an event as part of the festival and to find out more, get in touch.

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Hebden Bridge

35mins from Leeds & Manchester