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Wuthering Bytes News

Open Source Hardware Camp Programme Announced

June 08, 2023

The Wuther’, a custom PCB from Boldport designed for Wuthering Bytes / OSHCamp 2013.

The programme for Open Source Hardware Camp (OSHCamp) has been announced and this year the Wuthering Bytes fixture will feature a total of 12 talks and 4 workshops, running over the course of Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th August at Hebden Bridge Town Hall.

The origins of Wuthering Bytes can be traced back to the second ever Open Source Hardware Camp and the first to be hosted in Hebden Bridge, which was held back in 2012. It was from this and a chance meeting between Tim and myself that the idea for Wuthering Bytes was born, with the first ever festival taking place the following year, now a decade ago.

Open Source GSM Network workshops at OSHCamp 2012 at the Birchcliffe Centre.

Wuthering Bytes 2013 featured talks on open source software and hardware, plus design and wider technology topics, presented via two parallel tracks. Although there was an element of fun chaos in running up and down the town hall stairs for different talks, it was decided to revert to OSHCamp being a separate dedicated event, albeit hosted as part of the festival, then with a launch day preceding this and which features talks on a much more diverse range of topics.

As ever there is a fantastic range of topics being covered at OSHCamp this year and these include high speed PCB design, MicroPython hacking, designing an oscilloscope from scratch, recovering data from magnetic discs, open hardware in bio labs, and more!

As in previous years tickets are priced at £10/day and this includes a light lunch and tea/coffee in the breaks. For more details and to register, please visit the OSHUG website.


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Hebden Bridge

35mins from Leeds & Manchester