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Wuthering Bytes News

Open Source Hardware Camp 2019, 31/08 & 01/09

March 28, 2019

Open Source Hardware Camp will once again be running as part of Wuthering Bytes as it returns to Hebden Bridge for the weekend of 31st August and 1st September, with talks hosted on the Saturday and workshops on the Sunday. The programme has not been finalised yet, but a call for participation has gone out and for details of this, please see the post to the OSHUG mailing list. Note that the deadline for talk and workshop proposals has been extended and the closing date is now Monday 29th April.

Any questions can either be posted to the Open Source Hardware User Group (OSHUG) discussion list or e-mailed to Andrew. For details of the Open Source Hardware Camp programme in previous years, please see the OSHUG website.

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Hebden Bridge

35mins from Leeds & Manchester